PAP2T info.
Algo de info sobre PAP2T.
El nuevo juguetito....
We need to know the IP address of your Linksys adaptor, which you will enter below. To determine your adaptor's IP address, pick up a telephone handset connected to the PAP2, dial "****" (that's the star symbol four times), at the voice prompt dial "110#". Your adaptor will read back its IP address to you. Enter the address, including the dots, below, overwriting the "" entry:
El nuevo juguetito....
We need to know the IP address of your Linksys adaptor, which you will enter below. To determine your adaptor's IP address, pick up a telephone handset connected to the PAP2, dial "****" (that's the star symbol four times), at the voice prompt dial "110#". Your adaptor will read back its IP address to you. Enter the address, including the dots, below, overwriting the "" entry: